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Science Premier League: Inter-School Competition for Empowering the Next Generation of Scientists and Innovators.

What is Science Premier League?

Science Premier League is an engaging inter-school competition organized by Infinity Vision, aimed at nurturing scientific temperament among students. It provides a platform for students to demonstrate their knowledge, creativity, and problem-solving abilities in the realm of science. With a range of challenging contests, Science Premier League motivates students to work together, push their limits and become champions of scientific exploration.


Students of Classes 8th, 9th and 10th are invited to participate in the Science Premier League. This competition is designed to engage young minds, fostering their interest in science and equipping them with skills essential for their academic journey ahead.

Science Premier League is divided into two phases.

Phase 1: Intra-School

In the first phase, individual schools will conduct intra-school competitions, featuring Quiz and Article Writing segments. The top performers from each school will progress to the inter-school phase. Top performers from each school will advance to the inter-school phase . The intra-school phase will witness rigorous competition within the school premises


1. Quiz Competition

Participants face a series of 30 objective-type questions within a time frame of 30 minutes. Correct responses obtain 2 marks, while incorrect answers result in a deduction of 0.5 marks.

Question Breakup: Science (30 questions for 60 marks)


2. Article Writing Competition

choose one topic from three options and compose an essay within 30 minutes.

Word Limit:200 to 300 words | Evaluation: 40 marks

Result Announcement of the competition

Following the completion of both rounds, the marks will be compiled and the results will be announced within five days after the competition.

The Intra-School Competition is expected to conclude in schools by the last week of April 2024.

Note:From each participating school, the top 8 students will be selected for advancement to the inter-school phase.


for Class 8th, two students will be selected.


for Class 9th, two students will be selected.


for Class 10th, four students will be selected.

These students will compete as a team representing their respective schools in the inter-school competition. Additionally, one science teacher from each school will be assigned as a mentor to guide the team during the inter-school phase.

Note: Gift hampers will be presented to the top three students from every college.

Phase 2: Inter-School

This competition will be held at Infinity Vision, Preet Vihar Premises. Top performers from each school progress to the inter-school phase, where they engage in a diverse array of challenges, including:

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1.Quiz Competition

Teams present insightful PowerPoint presentations on designated scientific topics, showcasing their research, analysis, and innovative ideas.

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2. Case Studies

Students tackle real- world scenarios, applying scientific principles to propose solutions and address challenges effectively.

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2. Group Discussions

Engage in lively discussions on pertinent scientific issues, demonstrating analytical prowess, and communication skills.

Our esteemed panelists will be in present during the competition rounds to provide real time analysis and assessment. Topic for each round will be given by our panel.

Prizes & Awards for Winners

₹3000 and Certificate to each team


₹ 20,000 | Certificate & Trophy


₹ 10,000 | Certificate & Silver Medal


₹ 5,000 | Certificate & Bronze Medal

₹3000 and Certificate to each team


Category Awards

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Team with the Most Innovative Approach

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Team with the Most Futuristic Thinking

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Team with the Problem-Solving Skill

The inter-school competition will tentatively be held in the first week of May 2024 at Infinity Vision, Preet Vihar premises.

Benefits For The Students

Science Premier League offers multifaceted benefits to students.

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Enhanced Scientific Knowledge

Engage in hands- on projects and experiments to deepen understanding of scientific concepts.

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Critical Thinking Skills

Develop problem-solving abilities to analyse complex issues and formulate effective solutions.

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Creativity and Innovation

Encourages out-of-the-box thinking to foster innovation in addressing real-world problems.

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Teamwork and Collaboration

Learn to collaborate, delegate tasks, and achieve common goals as part of a team.

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Confidence Building

Successfully completing projects boosts self-esteem, empowering students to tackle future challenges with confidence.

Benefits For The School

Science Premier League enriches the academic environment of participating schools by

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Promoting Excellence

Encourages schools to foster a culture of academic excellence and scientific inquiry.

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Enhancing Reputation

Opportunities for schools to showcase their students' talents and achievements on a regional platform.


Explore a selection of our workshops, student engagement programs and interactive activities meant to encourage involvement and improve learning outcomes extending beyond textbooks.


St. Lawrence Convent School shines as the champion of SPL 2024.


The exceptional performance of the students at SPL 2024 not only underscored their aptitude for science but also reflected the high-quality education imparted by the participating schools.


SPL 2024 showcased everything from futuristic tech presentations to data-driven case studies and dynamic group discussions.


Science Premier League (SPL) 2024, an inter-school competition, conducted in 14 schools in Delhi.

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