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  • October 12, 2024

Decoding the Art of Notes Making

Different Note-Taking Methods          

  1. The Outline Method– This is the old-school method you are probably already familiar with. This is done in a linear fashion using headings, sub-headings, etc. This proves to be a good method when absorbing information for the first time. 
  2. Sentence Method- This is a method similar to the outline method, used for creating notes during lectures. It involves writing information freely while attending the lecture. This is followed by taking some time to go through this write-up to mark any important ideas, highlight important sections, and write any questions that come to your mind. 
  3. Cornell Method- This method is based on five core steps: record, questions, recite, reflect, and review. This can be done by dividing the page into three sections: a small column at the left, a bottom row, and a main space at the top center. While taking notes in the class, use the main area to take your notes. After the class, use the left area to gather key points and other significant details, and the bottom row to provide a quick summary. 
  4. The Mind Mapping Method- As the name suggests, this method involves starting with a main idea in the center and branching out to various major topics and then further to its subtopics. 

Fun Fact- You can play with color and sticky notes to make this mind map tree even more creative!

5. The Chart Method- The Chart method is useful when you are already familiar with the content. This method aims to make notes as concise and organized as possible. You can do this by dividing your page into columns which can include important topics. Each of these columns can incorporate main points about the topic.

Tips for Additional Note-taking

  • Remember that note-taking is not copying the entire content. 
  • Use headings and sub-headings to organize content. 
  • Using Colour Coding and underlining to highlight different sections according to importance, relevance, or difficulty. 
  • Use abbreviations and mnemonics to memorize concepts in a fun way. 
  • Use visual tools like diagrams, mind maps, and figures to quickly understand and revise complex content.

Fun Fact- It is observed that visual information improves retention by 60,000 times as compared to text. So, why not use it to our advantage while creating notes?

  • For taking notes from a lecture, orient yourself with the content before attending the class by skimming through the content briefly.
  • Add source material details for complex concepts to allow yourself to refer back to them easily. 
  • Revisit your notes frequently to remain in touch with all the concepts and update them whenever you come across new information or queries. The more you revisit and update these notes, the more you can retain information.

Lastly, remember that the end goal for your notes is to make your job easy. So, your notes should be whatever works best for you. Make yourself the hero while exploring different note-taking methods. 

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  • October 12, 2024

Infinity Vision Wraps Up Science Premier League (SPL) 2024 with Stellar Scientific Talent

Infinity Vision (a venture of Vision IAS), successfully concluded the Science Premier League (SPL) 2024, an Inter-School Competition designed to unite students from various schools in Delhi, challenging their scientific acumen and providing them with a healthy, knowledge-based experience.

The first phase of SPL commenced across over 10 schools in April 2024. Students from 8th to 10th standard participated enthusiastically, demonstrating their problem-solving prowess and scientific intelligence through objective questions and essays covering a wide range of topics, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), climate change and space exploration.

Continuing the momentum, SPL 2024 advanced to its second phase at Infinity Vision, Preet Vihar Centre in Delhi, on May 8th and 10th. Here, the top 8 students selected from each school in the initial phase exhibited their talent through presentations, case studies and group discussions.
The presentation round began with students working in groups to create and present PPTs on emerging technologies, promoting confidence and team building. Next, the case studies evaluated students’ ability to apply scientific theoretical concepts analytically to solve problems. Finally, group discussions centred on brainstorming current scientific challenges and opportunities while promoting the students’ listening skills and public speaking abilities.

On the first day of the second phase, St. Lawrence Convent School emerged victorious, with Laxmi Public School as the 1st Runner-up and Arunodaya Public School as the 2nd Runner-up. On day two, the standout moment was St. Lawrence Public School’s win, with Viaan International School as the 1st Runner-up and RPM Lovely Public Sr. Sec. School as the 2nd Runner-up.

The exceptional performance of the students not only underscores their aptitude for science but also reflects the high-quality education imparted by the participating schools. Competitions of this nature develop a sense of camaraderie among participants while refining their critical thinking and collaborative abilities, which are vital for navigating the complexity of today’s world.

Committed to maintaining the standards of excellence, Infinity Vision remains dedicated to the holistic development of students.

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  • October 12, 2024

Did you Know! – Earth is a Giant Magnet

Did you know Earth has a protective shield called the magnetosphere, unlike Mercury, Venus and Mars

It protects us from solar winds and cosmic particles, making our planet uniquely habitable!

Scientists think that the planet’s magnetic field is created by electric currents in the iron alloys of the core. Heat escaping from the core causes swirling movements called convection currents, setting off the whole process.

The core is made of iron alloys and has two parts: a solid inner core and a liquid outer core. The outer core’s liquid moves because the inner core is hot and heat makes the liquid flow. This heat comes from the inner core being very hot (5,200° Celsius).

The outer core’s movement is affected by heavy materials sinking towards it and the decay of radioactive elements inside the Earth. How the liquid flows is influenced by how the Earth rotates and the presence of the solid inner core.

Earth’s magnetic north pole is, in fact, the south pole of the Earth’s magnet.

The magnetic north pole of Earth is actually like the south pole of a giant magnet inside our planet. They call it the magnetic north pole to avoid confusion. It’s named this way because if they called it the magnetic south pole, it could be confusing, especially since it’s so close to the geographic north pole. 

Earth’s magnetosphere wards off the solar wind, preventing erosion of our atmosphere and safeguarding against harmful effects of coronal mass ejections and cosmic rays. Functioning as a gatekeeper, the magnetosphere traps most unwanted energy in twin doughnut-shaped Van Allen Belts, maintaining a safe distance from Earth’s surface. 

Moreover, this dynamic interaction between charged particles and Earth’s magnetic field contributes to the mesmerizing natural light displays known as the northern lights (aurora borealis) in the Northern Hemisphere and the southern lights (aurora australis) in the Southern Hemisphere.

Another interesting fact about Earth’s magnetic field that is it isn’t constant.

Earth’s magnetic field has reversed every few hundred thousand years.

Over geological time, the earth’s magnetic field has undergone reversals, where the magnetic north and south poles switch places.  The time intervals between reversals have fluctuated widely, but average about 300,000 years. 

But how do we know this? 

Evidence of Earth’s magnetic history is concealed in rocks, a scientific discipline called paleomagnetism. Through the examination of magnetic properties stored in rocks, scientists extract crucial information about the planet’s past, offering insights into its geological and environmental transformations across time.

Earth’s magnetic field has reversed every few hundred thousand years.

So, there you have it—Earth, not just a giant rock in space, but a magnetic wonder.

Wasn’t that interesting? 

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  • October 12, 2024

Scientific Ways to Learn Faster

Students often tend to use various methods to finish their study targets well in advance, which also motivates them to comprehend and understand concepts quickly. This makes them more organized with time and helps to retain the information more effectively. Due to this process of pushing one’s self to meet the challenge of an early deadline, one sets up effective study techniques and improves in one’s studies. This process also sets them up for a participatory approach toward the tackling of future academic and professional challenges where quick learning and adaptability are necessary. 

This blog will cover some scientifically proven ways to learn faster, offering strategies to optimize your study sessions and enhance your learning efficiency: 

  1. Take handwritten notes 

To improve your memory, try writing things down. In class, pay close attention to the lecture and jot down important keywords and phrases. When learning from a book or online, rewrite the information in your own words. This helps you remember it better and recall it more quickly.

For example, if you’re preparing for the JEE or NEET exams, listen carefully during your physics or biology lectures and write down the key concepts and formulas. When studying a topic like Newton’s laws of motion or human anatomy from your textbooks or online resources, summarize the material in your own words. This method will help you understand and remember the concepts more effectively, making it easier to recall them during your exams.

  1. Study in Segments | Pomodoro Technique 

To maximize your study efficiency, break your study sessions into segments using the Pomodoro Technique:

  • Optimal Study Stretch: Aim for about 2 hours of focused study.
  • Pomodoro Technique: Study for 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break.
  • Longer Break: Take a 15-30 minute break after four Pomodoro cycles.
  • Leverage Zeigarnik Effect: Unfinished tasks are remembered better, enhancing information retention.

This structured approach helps maintain focus, prevent burnout and improve long-term memory.

  1. Apply the Feynman Technique

The Feynman Technique is a powerful method that combines teaching and learning to deepen your understanding. To use this technique, teach or pretend to teach a concept to a child, simplifying the information until it’s crystal clear. This process helps identify gaps in your understanding. When you encounter something you can’t explain simply, revisit the material until you achieve mastery. You solidify your knowledge and improve retention by breaking down complex ideas into simpler ones.

  1. Embrace Spaced Revision

Embrace spaced revision by reviewing topics over several days instead of cramming in one sitting. This method enhances long-term retention and reinforces learning by allowing your brain to consolidate information over time. By revisiting material periodically, you strengthen your memory and understanding, making it easier to recall information when needed. Spaced revision helps prevent burnout and improves overall academic performance by promoting a more effective and sustainable study routine.

  1. Use Study Planners

Utilize online study planners or traditional notebooks to organize your tasks and deadlines effectively. A study planner provides a clear study structure, helping you allocate time for each subject and assignment. It facilitates goal tracking, allowing you to monitor your progress and stay on top of your academic responsibilities. By planning your study sessions, you can manage your workload efficiently, reduce stress, and ensure you are prepared for exams and deadlines.

By integrating these empirically proven effective ways of learning into your regular course of studies, you could significantly boost the efficiency of your learning process and consequently your academic performance. These methods imply an orderly and systematic approach to learning; they will prepare you to adapt skillfully and quickly to new ideas and tasks. By following these strategies, you become capable of doing well in your studies, as well as learning important techniques that will help you succeed in the future.

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